Blue House Computer Help

How can we help?

Speed up

We can make your old computer work even better than when it was new.
For example, replacing the hard drive on your older computer with a modern solid state drive can make it run faster. And I mean WAY faster.

Fix up

We can get your broken computer up and running, even when nothing is working.

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for extra speed and space, keeping your old computers in service and out of landfill.

Simplify transitions

Even after you buy a new-to-you computer, there's so much to do to get it ready the way you like it. By the time you've transferred all your photos and documents, set up your browser, email, zoom, dropbox, scroll pad direction, colour scheme and any unusual apps, it can take hours or days. We've put a lot of thought into simplifying the transition.

Tech speak

We can join you on calls with your Internet provider or other tech support helpdesk, to help explain your problem on a technical level and translate between tech-speak and plain English.

Help you get connected to your people

Help learning Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Skype.


We can sort most printer problems.

Safety Net

Had a go and it didn't work out? We can help untangle your IT knots.

Everything else

We can

  • Take the pain out of moving to a new PC by transferring your apps and files
  • Fix both Macs and PCs
  • Sort networking issues and WiFi dead spots
  • Recover lost passwords
  • Cleanup viruses and malware
  • Sort slow web browsing and email problems
  • Anything else? Just ask.